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 Breathing Issues and Back Pain

back pain can be the result of a muscular problem in the upper areas of the back. Back muscles tend to be very close to your lungs which are affected when you take a deep breath, this causes the lungs to push against your back muscles. A muscle pull in the upper part of the back can be affected by the lungs upon taking a deep breath. Contact a chiropractor Lexington SC to get started.

Certain areas of the back tend to be more affected than others, these can be latissimus dorsi, the rhomboids, and trapezius. The muscles can be easily strained by poor posture and injury.

Sports or poor body mechanics can lead to the possible injury with the upper back muscles.These type of muscles are used primarily in the push and pull movements during exercise and can become strained when over-training.

To correct this back pain when breathing from injury you must allow the body to repair itself and avoid strenuous activities. When the muscle is healed you can recondition your back to be stronger or more capable.

Posture can be a widespread problem and cause a number of the cases that involve back pain while breathing. Slouching is a classic example of bad posture that causes the pectoral muscle of the chest and muscles in the armpit to tighten since the back is hunched over. These muscles can become tense and put stress on the back and shoulders. As these muscles are stretched and strained they become weaker and prone to injury.

Strained muscles can cause pain when they are put in use or improperly stretched. With each breath back muscles are moved and strained. The constant use of muscles can lead to chronic back pain.

The situation is worse when back muscles are put in use. Strained muscles have a hard time receiving adequate nutrients. Blood is pumped into and out of muscles during relaxing and contraction cycles from day to day use. Strained muscles cannot properly relax and contract as they don't receive the proper nutrients. Oxygen deprived muscles can go into spasms and force contractions as the body's way to end pain. The back muscles must be able to move in order for you to breathe. The risk when it comes to back spasms is increased by the fact that hunching posture constricts the lungs and limits the amount of oxygen in the body that can be used as fuel.

If posture is the root cause you need to retrain your body to improve posture in your day to day life. Tight muscles in the chest need to be restored to proper length. These things are best done with a foam roller. When muscles in the chest are elongated the back muscles can be trained to hold up the head and neck.

You need to focus and practice proper posture and unlearn any bad habits. If damage is done by posture you may need a physical therapist to guide you in the right direction.

Back pain when breathing is rarely a sign of a serious condition. If you have both chest and back pain you should see a doctor. Your pain can be a likely sign that your back muscles need added attention.

Breathing should not be a pain and you need to fix the problem as soon as possible. For more information, visit a chiropractor now.


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